Sunday, March 24, 2013


 PARAMOUNT TWIST TESTER TESTER (Single Yarn)Ô is the appropriate equipment for the determination of twists of a single yarn it have a set of clamps; one of which rotates and the other is fixed. The rotating clamp is driven by hand gear assembly. A specially designed five-digit re-settable revolution counter is provided to count the number of twists. The fixed clamp has a push up plate by which yarn can be carried through to pass it over the pulley hang to a desired weight to give the desired tension to the yarn. The fixed clamp assembly can be moved over a guide bar for setting the required test length of yarn. The Test Length is indicated on a
calibrated strip scale fixed to the base against a pointer attached with moving assembly. A magnifying glass is
provided to check the opening of the twists in the yarn during untwisting process. The equipment is meticulously finished in Blue PU paint.Patron member

Main Parts

1. Foot Rests.
2. Base of the Unit.
3. Name Sticker.
4. Bigger Gear.
5. Handle for Rotations.
6. Small Gear.
7. Zero adjustment Knob.
8. Mechanical Counter.
9. Rotating Yarn clamp.
10. Scale for test length.
11. Magnifier Glass to view yarn.
12. Stationery Jaw (Yarn Clamp).
13. Pulley for Hanging Load.
14. Yarn Cone.
15. Dead Weight (10/20 Gms.).
16. Knob for Stationery Jaw


  • Specially designed equipment to determine the twist per inch/cm.
  • Ergonomically design with modern aesthetics.
  • Smooth precision-engineered mechanism.
  • Specially designed only for single yarn.
  • 10 & 20gms weight supplied to give proper tension during testing.
  • Complete with all accessories.
  • With analog re-settable twist counter.
  • Magnifying glass is attached to ease in testing.
  • Supplied with calibration & inspection certificates